What is EP (Executive Partnership)

Gotravindo provides executive program for a great tailored program with the possibility of arranging your own activities assisted by our professional team.

The Executive Partneship invites all academic stakeholders including organizations and Institutions both national and international to collaborate in the implementation of the Educational Program. Gotravindo always ready to be your consort in any possibility. Gotravindo is trustworthy and experienced in conducting the educational program. Gotravindo has the competent human resources to provide an excellent service sincerely and honestly.

Gotravindo has a commitment as your trustworthy consort in conducting the Educational Programs honestly and sincerely with an excellent service focusing on providing the best quality of the program. Gotravindo has established various collaboration with partners both national and international as a guarantee of our standard quality.

Immersion Program

Experience the process of studying abroad with character development principles to students, will provide experience and exchange thoughts between countries

Exchange Program

Not only is the Exchange in the process of formal education, but feel the direct exchange of experiences, information, cultural, social, economic and technological

Study Abroad

Study Abroad education program with a focus in the character development of the learner as well as providing a place for student expression and can implement his dream became real studying abroad

Why EP-Gotravindo

Price efficiency: provide the best program cost

Competent Team

Magnificent Program

Excellent ServiceĀ 

Expansive Networking and Collaboration

Trustworthy and Experienced Consort

Where we Works?

Our partners