Gotravindo in Exchange program provides a variety of services designed for university students and middle/high school students around the globe to feel the Overseas learning atmosphere. Gotravindo has collaboration with partners overseas such as universities, institutions, organizations, and industries to maintain the quality as a trustworthy consort in conducting the best program. We also keep enhancing the comfort and satisfaction of the participants of our program. Gotravindo is able to work well with public and private institutions in various parts of the world, across continents.



Gotravindo provides executive program for a great tailored program with the possibility of arranging your own activities assisted by our professional team. The Executive Program invites all academic stakeholders including organizations and Institutions both national and international to collaborate in the implementation of the Educational Program. Gotravindo always ready to be your consort in any possibility. Gotravindo is trustworthy and experienced in conducting the educational program. Gotravindo has the competent human resources to provide an excellent service sincerely and honestly.

Enrich Relationship

The program invites people from diverse background and gather as one. Student will have the chance to introduce and expose themselves, and also enrich relationship with the others. There might be many opportunities in the future by having more friends as partner.

Research Opportunity

Since the beginning of the program, students will be challenged to do a research on a specific topic. Moreover, students will also be given a chance to present at the forum.

Study Abroad

There are no limits on learning new things and getting more knowledge. Students can spread their wings and broaden the horizons. Our program gives students the opportunity to study abroad, open mind, and gain knowledge not just from the book but directly meet the people and get immerse. Get involved in many activities and gain new experience.

Simple Reasons to Join The Program of Gotravindo

Gotravindo have 6.800 student members

Networks in 20 countries multi-continents

Gotravindo conducted more than 45 programs successfully

Social community more than 20.000 people

Experienced team

Experience a fun and educative journey

Gotravindo has collaboration with partners overseas such as universities, institutions, organizations, and industries to maintain the quality as a trustworthy partner in conducting the best program and enhance the comfort and satisfaction as the participants of our program

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“I feel like Indonesia can take to the bright future. I hope through this event can encourage young people all the world to travel, collaborate, work together, and find the ways to bring new ideas.”

“Get new lesson and experiences by being one of the speakers here, hopefully student and youth all over the world can join International conference program at a later time.”

“Program is really good because it really brings the ideas to people really-really closely. It is wonderful that you have a good topics and film available with the honors right there.”

It is very nice for you to know about technology and education in Japan. We are inviting to join Gotravindo Program Japan. Let’s Join us !

“It was a phenomenal conference, Gotravindo is a great platform, tremendeous event, the content was rich field it was packed with great ideas”

“Here I feel good platform for the student over the world to expose and explore the International Business Opportunities. From Gotravindo we also can get idea and we can share any idea from the real entrepreneur”

“The event was a big success. We all had fun and learnt many new things. Hope we could cooperate again next time.”

“Gotravindo 2017 conference in South Korea could be a good chance for the student to broaden their minds, experiences, and networking.”

“I think this program is very good because you organize the conference and you divide everything actually, the young people from universities, you also mention the involvement from high school students. This is a very good exposure because normally”

“I feel that this is especially good because GOTRAVINDO participants can gain more information and get the first-hand experience. You have done very well. I suggest other students or other young peopla should join your organzation and experience all these wonderful things”



E-journal is the newest feature to facilitate Alumni and Student Member of Gotravindo to be able to share an experience during the program of Gotravindo. This feature can be accessed by the student members through Gotravindo official website or Gotravindo android application. The content of the journal might be varied. Start with the simplest thing like capturing any moment and sharing the experiences during the programs of Gotravindo until the academic journal.